Worth Mount Online Bank Asset Finance - Privacy Policy

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Worth Mount Online Bank Asset Finance - Privacy Policy

Worth Mount Online Bank Asset Finance - Privacy Policy

We value your privacy. Find the most up-to-date privacy information below.

Children's Online Privacy

Protecting the identity and privacy of children is a responsibility that we take very seriously. The responsibility to protect this information rests with both the online industry as well as with parents. We do not knowingly collect, use, or maintain any information through our websites about children who are under the age of 13. If we determine that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with information through one of our websites, we will only use this information to notify the parents that the information was received.

Parents can avail themselves of various filtering software packages that are available to prevent their children from accessing websites which they deem to be inappropriate. Parents can choose to utilize this and other methods to limit websites to which their children have access.

Information Sharing Opt-Out Form

NOTE: If you received our privacy policy through the mail, you were provided with your own individual numeric code. If you have your code, please enter it below - it will expedite the opt-out process for you.

If you have a joint account, your choice(s) will apply to everyone on your account. Mark any/all you want to limit:

The safety and security of your personal information is of utmost importance to us. Please do not share any sensitive or confidential information with us via this contact form.

Thank you! We have received your privacy preferences.